Results for « 难解 » (cmn)
难以辨认+的, 象形文字, 难以辨认, 难以 辨认, 难解, 似象形文字, 类似象形文字, 难解+的, 似象形文字+的, 象形 文字, 似 象形 文字, 类似象形文字+的, 类似 象形 文字, 象形文字+的
hieroglyphic, hieroglyphical
     resembling hieroglyphic writing
02177584-a (11)
难解, 复杂+的, 难解+的, 复杂, 错综复杂, 错综复杂+的, 繁复
     difficult to analyze or understand
00247084-r (1)
朦胧+地, 暧昧+地, 难解, 隐晦不明, 隐晦不明+地, 朦胧, 隐晦 不明, 暧昧, 暧昧性
     in an obscure manner
00534250-a (2)
暧昧+的, 清楚, 朦胧, 模糊, 难解, 阴暗, 悲观, 朦胧+的, 暧昧, 含糊, 晦涩, 暧昧性
obscure, dark
     marked by difficulty of style or expression
神秘, 迷惑, 难解
obfuscation, mystification
     the activity of obscuring people's understanding, leaving them baffled or bewildered
05926358-n (1)
深奥 的 事情, 难解, 深奥的事情, 深奥
profundity, abstruseness, reconditeness, profoundness, abstrusity
     wisdom that is recondite and abstruse and profound
00431004-a (22)
不清楚+的, 交代 不清, 晦涩+的, 不明确, 不明确+的, 交代不清+的, 含糊不清, 模糊, 交代不清, 难解, 难解+的, 表达不清, 表达不清+的, 模糊+的, 含糊, 含糊不清+的, 不清楚, 晦涩, 含糊+的, 表达 不清
vague, obscure
     not clearly understood or expressed
00900071-a (6)
难以理解, 奥秘, 难解, 奥秘+的, 不可思议, 难以理解+的, 神秘, 神秘+的, O, 难以 理解
mysterious, mystic, secret, mystical, occult, orphic
     having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding
晦涩+的, , 深奥, 难解, 深+的, 难解+的, 玄妙+的, 深奥+的, 玄妙, 晦涩, 深层
deep, abstruse, recondite
     difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge
不 清晰, 无法理解+地, 难解, 无法 理解, 无法理解, 不清晰
unintelligibly, ununderstandably
     in an unintelligible manner
难以理解+地, 深奥, 难解, 难以理解, 难以 理解, 深奥+地
     in a manner difficult to understand
暧昧+的, 无法了解, 难懂+的, 难懂, 无法 了解, 莫明其妙, 难解, 晦暗, 暧昧, 晦暗+的, 暧昧性
opaque, unintelligible
     difficult to understand, poorly expressed
00534524-a (4)
迷惑, 难解, 谜+的, 不可思议, 神秘, 神秘+的, , 谜一般, 高深莫测
enigmatic, puzzling, enigmatical
     not clear to the understanding


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