Results for « 陈旧 » (cmn)
00974404-a (1)
有 日期, 过时+的, 注有日期, 有日期, 陈旧+的, 过时, 有日期+的, 注有 日期, 陈旧
     marked by features of the immediate and usually discounted past
失去 作用, 成为 无用, 成为无用+的, 成为无用, 失去作用, 陈旧, 失去作用+的
played out
     worn out
02581530-a (1)
破烂, 残破, 要坍塌似+的, 破烂 或 情况 不佳, 破烂或情况不佳, 破烂+的, 残破+的, 腐朽, 腐朽+的, 用旧+的, 要 坍塌 似, 要坍塌似, 用旧, 陈旧, 破烂或情况不佳+的
run-down, derelict, creaky, woebegone, decrepit, flea-bitten
     worn and broken down by hard use
01068726-a (1)
怠倦, 变 陈旧, 不新鲜+的, 不新鲜, 陈旧+的, 陈腐, 变陈旧, 陈旧, 怠倦+的
     lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age
01688757-a (5)
平板无趣, 枯燥 无味, 平凡, 枯燥无味, 陈腐, 陈旧, 平板 无趣, 常见
hackneyed, stock, threadbare, timeworn, trite, commonplace, old-hat, banal, shopworn, tired, well-worn
     repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
00669138-a (1)
落伍, 过时+的, 旧式, 过期, 老式, 陈旧+的, 老式+的, 过时, 陈旧
outdated, out-of-date, superannuated
     old; no longer valid or fashionable
废弃, 陈旧, 过时
superannuation, obsoleteness
     the property of being out of date and not current
摆陈久了+的, 在店里摆旧了, 陈列久了, 摆陈久了, 在 店 里 摆 旧了, 摆陈 久了, 在店里摆旧了+的, 陈旧+的, 陈列久了+的, 陈旧, 陈列 久了
shopworn, shopsoiled
     worn or faded from being on display in a store
守旧, 落伍, 旧头脑, 旧 头脑, 陈旧+的, 生苔, 陈腐, 陈旧, 落伍+的
stodgy, fogyish, moss-grown, mossy, stick-in-the-mud
     out of fashion; old fashioned


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