Results for « 醉心 花 » (cmn)
醉心 花, 山栌子, 闹 羊 花, 万桃花, 满 达, 枫茄花, 醉心花, 洋 金花, 洋金花, 曼达, 万 桃花, 闹羊花, 曼荼罗, 狗 核桃, 满达, 曼扎, 狗核桃, 曼陀罗
thorn apple
     any of several plants of the genus Datura
醉心 花, 闹 羊 花, 万桃花, 满 达, 枫茄花, 醉心花, 洋 金花, 洋金花, 一种茄科毒草, 曼达, 万 桃花, 闹羊花, 曼荼罗, 一 种 茄科 毒草, 狗 核桃, 满达, 曼扎, 狗核桃, 曼陀罗
jimsonweed, jimson weed, Jamestown weed, common thorn apple, apple of Peru, Datura stramonium
     intensely poisonous tall coarse annual tropical weed having rank-smelling foliage, large white or violet trumpet-shaped flowers and prickly fruits ❲Datura stramonium❳


Seen Lemmas: yellow locust;
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