Results for « 贪心 » (cmn)
00276391-r (2)
眈眈, 贪婪, 贪心+地, 贪心
greedily, avariciously, covetously
     in a greedy manner
猎食 . 狼吞虎咽, 猎食.狼吞虎咽, 贪婪, 狼吞虎咽, 过分贪婪, 过分 渴望, 过分 贪婪, 过分渴望, 贪心+的, 贪婪+的, 贪心
rapacious, ravening, voracious
     excessively greedy and grasping
猪一般+的, 猪般, 骯脏+的, 贪婪, 贪吃, 骯脏, 猪一般, , 贪婪+的, 贪心
hoggish, piggish, piggy, porcine, swinish
     resembling swine; coarsely gluttonous or greedy
贪欲, 贪心
greediness, voraciousness, rapaciousness
     an excessive desire for wealth (usually in large amounts)
猪一样, 馋嘴, 馋嘴+地, 自私, 自私+地, 猪一样+地, 邋遢, 肮脏, 肮脏+地, 贪婪, 邋遢+地, 猪一般, 猪一般+地, 贪心+地, 贪心, 贪婪+地
     in a piggish manner
贪婪, 贪心, 贪财
avarice, covetousness, avariciousness, cupidity
     extreme greed for material wealth
00029933-a (1)
渴望 占有, 适于 抓住, 贪婪, 贪得无厌, 过度 渴望, 贪欲, 妄羡, 渴望占有, 贪心+的, 过度渴望, 贪婪+的, 适于抓住, 贪心, 贪欲+的
greedy, avaricious, covetous, grabby, grasping, prehensile
     immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth
00758525-n (1)
贪婪, 贪欲, 贪心
avarice, greed, covetousness, rapacity, avaritia
     reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)


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