Results for « 老挝语 » (cmn)
老挝文, 寮语, 老挝人 用 的 泰语, 老挝语, 老挝人用的泰语
     the Tai language of a Buddhist people living in the area of the Mekong River in Thailand and Laos
寮国人的, 寮国的, 老挝人, 老挝人的, 老挝的, 老挝 的, 老挝人 的, 老挝国 的, 寮国 的, 老挝 国人, 老挝国的, 寮国人 的, 老挝语, 老挝国人
Lao, Laotian
     a member of a Buddhist people inhabiting the area of the Mekong River in Laos and Thailand and speaking the Lao language; related to the Thais


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