Results for « 红? » (cmn)
照烧, 红烧肉, 日式 照烧, 沾糖色烤, 沾 糖 色 烤, 日式照烧, 红烧
     beef or chicken or seafood marinated in spicy soy sauce and grilled or broiled
红砂糖, 红糖, 红 砂糖
brown sugar
     unrefined or only partly refined sugar
09863749-n (2)
极端份子, 极端 份子, 激进分子, 激进 分子, 红河
red, Bolshevik, Marxist, bolshie, bolshy
     emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries
红姜, 红 姜
red ginger, Alpinia purpurata
     an ornamental ginger native to Pacific islands ❲Alpinia purpurata❳
00371611-a (1)
羞红+的, 玫瑰 红色, 蔷薇色+的, 红色, 玫瑰红色, 涨红脸+的, 透红+的, 脸红+的, 红色+的, 透红, 玫瑰红色+的, 脸红, 玫瑰色, 羞红, 玫瑰色+的, 涨红脸, 蔷薇色
rosy, blushful
     of blush color
炖+的, , 炖熟, 焖熟, 红烧
     cooked by browning in fat and then simmering in a closed container
red flag
     the emblem of socialist revolution
red flag
     a flag that serves as a warning signal
海枣, 枣儿, 红枣, 金枣
     sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed
红斑+的, 红斑, 红 斑状, 红斑状+的, 红斑状
     relating to or characterized by erythema
红 狼, 红狼, 产於美国东南部的一种狼, 产 於 美国 东南部 的 一 种 狼
red wolf, maned wolf, Canis rufus, Canis niger
     reddish-grey wolf of southwestern North America ❲Canis rufus, Canis niger❳
大红蓼, 大毛蓼, 狗 尾巴 花, 红草, 游龙, 东方蓼, 荭草, 硬穗苋, 狗尾巴花, 红蓼
prince's-feather, prince's-plume, princess feather, kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate, Polygonum orientale
     annual with broadly ovate leaves and slender drooping spikes of crimson flowers; southeastern Asia and Australia; annual with broadly ovate leaves and slender drooping spikes of crimson flowers; southeastern Asia and Australia; naturalized in North America ❲Polygonum orientale❳
     abnormal redness of the skin resulting from dilation of blood vessels (as in sunburn or inflammation)
     reddening of the skin spreading outward from a focus of infection or irritation
重阳木, 重阳 木, 铅笔柏, 茄冬, 红柏
red cedar, eastern red cedar, red juniper, Juniperus virginiana
     small juniper found east of Rocky Mountains having a conic crown, brown bark that peels in shreds, and small sharp needles ❲Juniperus virginiana❳
红木, 紫檀, 酸枝木, 黑檀, 蔷薇木
rosewood, rosewood tree
     any of those hardwood trees of the genus Dalbergia that yield rosewood--valuable cabinet woods of a dark red or purplish color streaked and variegated with black
红花, 红花子
safflower seed
     seed of the safflower
红色黄铜, 红铜, 红色 黄铜
guinea gold, red brass
     brass with enough copper to give it a reddish tint; used for plumbing pipe and other brass hardware and in cheap jewelry
指多种低矮的多年生植物,有长匐茎和白花,花後有可食果实,其红色多肉的果实表面上布满了小粒的瘦果,如草莓, 地莓, 指 多 种 低矮 的 多年生 植物 , 有 长 匐茎 和 白花 , 花 後 有 可食 果实 , 其 红色 多肉 的 果实 表面上 布满 了 小粒 的 瘦果 , 如 草莓, 草莓, 洋莓, 红莓
     any of various low perennial herbs with many runners and bearing white flowers followed by edible fruits having many small achenes scattered on the surface of an enlarged red pulpy berry
01172139-a (1)
气色 很好, 红润, 气色很好+的, 红润+的, 透红, 气色很好, 健康+的, 健康
ruddy, rubicund, florid, sanguine, florid-faced
     inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life
有 酒刺, 有粉刺, 酒刺, 红玉, 有酒刺, 有 粉刺, , 酒刺+的, 用 红玉, 用红玉, 痈+的
carbuncled, carbuncular
     afflicted with or resembling a carbuncle
红 肉, 红肉
red meat
     meat that is dark in color before cooking (as beef, venison, lamb, mutton)
一 种 防腐剂, 一 种 抗菌剂, 红汞, 汞溴红, 一种防腐剂, 一种抗菌剂, 红药水
merbromine, Mercurochrome
     a mercurial compound applied topically as an antiseptic; Mercurochrome is the trademark
剑叶朱蕉, 菜棕, 红叶 铁树, 千年木, 红竹, 红叶铁树, 千年 木
grass tree, cabbage tree, Cordyline australis
     elegant tree having either a single trunk or a branching trunk each with terminal clusters of long narrow leaves and large panicles of fragrant white, yellow or red flowers; elegant tree having either a single trunk or a branching trunk each with terminal clusters of long narrow leaves and large panicles of fragrant white, yellow or red flowers; New Zealand ❲Cordyline australis❳
红梅, 野生的黄莓, 野生 的 黄莓
bloodberry, blood berry, rougeberry, rouge plant, Rivina humilis
     bushy houseplant having white to pale pink flowers followed by racemes of scarlet berries; bushy houseplant having white to pale pink flowers followed by racemes of scarlet berries; tropical Americas ❲Rivina humilis❳
01177105-a (1)
发炎, 红肿+的, 红肿, 发炎+的
     resulting from inflammation; hot and swollen and reddened
红桦, 北美 东部 中型 桦木 , 有 白 或 灰 树皮 , 无价值 的 木材 , 通常 是 第二 级 林树, 北美东部中型桦木,有白或灰树皮,无价值的木材,通常是第二级林树
grey birch, gray birch, American grey birch, American gray birch, Betula populifolia
     medium-sized birch of eastern North America having white or pale grey bark and valueless wood; medium-sized birch of eastern North America having white or pale grey bark and valueless wood; occurs often as a second-growth forest tree ❲Betula populifolia❳
美洲雀鹰, 红隼, 美洲 雀鹰, 一 种 鹰, 一种鹰
sparrow hawk, kestrel, American kestrel, Falco sparverius
     small North American falcon ❲Falco sparverius❳
14695069-n (1)
红粘土, 红 粘土, 粘土, 红土
red clay
     clay whose redness results from iron oxide
红狐, 黑狐
black fox
     red fox in the color phase when its pelt is mostly black
甘薯, 白芋, 红苕, 红薯, 甜蕃薯, 地瓜, 红芋, 番薯, 山芋, 白薯, 甜 蕃薯
sweet potato, sweet potato vine, Ipomoea batatas
     pantropical vine widely cultivated in several varieties for its large sweet tuberous root with orange flesh ❲Ipomoea batatas❳
红灯, 禁止 通行 信号灯, 禁止通行信号灯
red light
     the signal to stop
04962784-n (9)
红色, 赤色
red, redness
     red color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of blood
红 ?, 红蝽属, 红?
Dysdercus, genus Dysdercus
     a genus of slender long-legged bugs that feed on the developing seeds of cotton and stain it ❲Dysdercus❳
14050871-n (2)
红色, 红润, 玫瑰红
flush, bloom, blush, rosiness
     a rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good health
Red Sea
     a long arm of the Indian Ocean between northeast Africa and Arabia; linked to the Mediterranean at the north end by the Suez Canal
无角 的 红牛, 红鶸, 无角的红牛
red poll
     hornless short-haired breed of beef and dairy cattle
slippery elm, red elm, Ulmus rubra
     North American elm having rough leaves that are red when opening; North American elm having rough leaves that are red when opening; yields a hard wood ❲Ulmus rubra❳
红藻类, 红藻
red algae
     marine algae in which the chlorophyll is masked by a red or purplish pigment; source of agar and carrageenan
红 虫, 金鱼虫, 水蚤, 红虫, 水蚤属, 水蚤 属
daphnia, water flea
     minute freshwater crustacean having a round body enclosed in a transparent shell; moves about like a flea by means of hairy branched antennae
海红豆, 红豆 属 中 的 一 种 乔木 , 种子 像 珠子, 相思豆, 孔雀豆, 海 红豆, 红豆属中的一种乔木,种子像珠子, 红豆
necklace tree
     a tree of the genus Ormosia having seeds used as beads
欧洲 小檗, 欧洲小檗, 红苺
common barberry, European barberry, Berberis vulgaris
     upright deciduous European shrub widely naturalized in United States having clusters of juicy berries ❲Berberis vulgaris❳
00248560-a (13)
酒红+的, 红色, 赤红色, 深红色, 血腥, 血腥+的, 染血+的, 有象血似的颜色, 暴力 引起, 激烈, 艳红色, 染血, 暴力引起, 酒红, 有 象 血 似的 颜色, 酒 红, 激烈+的
red, crimson, violent
     characterized by violence or bloodshed
笛鲷, 红鲷
red snapper, Lutjanus blackfordi
     an esteemed food fish with pinkish red head and body; an esteemed food fish with pinkish red head and body; common in the Atlantic coastal waters of North America and the Gulf of Mexico ❲Lutjanus blackfordi❳
     a playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it
红鹤, 火鹤, 火烈鸟
     large pink to scarlet web-footed wading bird with down-bent bill; inhabits brackish lakes
红葡萄酒, 红酒
red wine
     wine having a red color derived from skins of dark-colored grapes
莱丁, 赤字, 红的
     a town in north central California on the Sacramento River
00506216-r (1)
带红色, 红色
     displaying a red color
铅酸铅, 红铅, 光明丹, 红丹, 红 铅, 四氧化三铅, 铅丹
red lead, minium
     a reddish oxide of lead (Pb3O4) used as a pigment in paints and in glass and ceramics
红木, 黑檀木
     hard dark reddish wood of a rosewood tree having a strongly marked grain; used in cabinetwork
红包, 红包袋, 红包封
ang bao, red packet, red envelope, ang pao, angpao, angbao
红木, 桃花心木
mahogany, mahogany tree
     any of various tropical timber trees of the family Meliaceae especially the genus Swietinia valued for their hard yellowish- to reddish-brown wood that is readily worked and takes a high polish
森树, 紫花树, 海红豆, 西印度群岛和委内瑞拉东北的红豆属小型树,有大而长的细尖复叶和紫花的圆锥花序,种子为黑或带黑点的深红色, 苦 楝树, 萰树, 西印度 群岛 和 委内瑞拉 东北 的 红豆 属 小型 树 , 有 大而 长的 细 尖 复叶 和 紫花 的 圆锥 花序 , 种子 为 黑 或 带 黑点 的 深红色, 相思豆, , 孔雀豆, 海 红豆, 红豆, 苦楝树
bead tree, jumby bean, jumby tree, Ormosia monosperma
     small tree of West Indies and northeastern Venezuela having large oblong pointed leaflets and panicles of purple flowers; small tree of West Indies and northeastern Venezuela having large oblong pointed leaflets and panicles of purple flowers; seeds are black or scarlet with black spots ❲Ormosia monosperma❳
美国东南部秋天开花的榆树, 美国 东南部 秋天 开 花的 榆树, 红榆
red elm, September elm, Ulmus serotina
     autumn-flowering elm of southeastern United States ❲Ulmus serotina❳
红旗, 危险 信号, 危险信号
red flag
     something that irritates or demands immediate action
发炎, 红肿, 夸张+的, 夸张
     [in heraldry] adorned with tongues of flame
葫芦树, 瓠瓜木, 葫芦, 炮弹果, 炮弹 果, 红椤
calabash, calabash tree, Crescentia cujete
     tropical American evergreen that produces large round gourds ❲Crescentia cujete❳
红晶石, 玫红 尖晶石, 红玉, 玫红尖晶石
balas, balas ruby
     a pale rose-colored variety of the ruby spinel
13273154-n (1)
奖金, 额外津贴, 红利, 额外酬金, 津贴, 额外 酬金, 红包, 额外 津贴
incentive, bonus
     an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing output
灰笛鲷, 红糟, 银纹笛鲷
grey snapper, gray snapper, mangrove snapper, Lutjanus griseus
     found in shallow waters off the coast of Florida ❲Lutjanus griseus❳
美国 印第安人, 红人, 美国印第安人, 红皮肤人
Redskin, Injun, red man
     offensive term for Native Americans
00244410-a (1)
人 红发, 人红发, 红发 的, 红发, 红发的, 红发+的
     having red hair and usually fair skin
将冰上曲棍球场分成两部分的红线, 将 冰上 曲棍球 场 分成 两部分 的 红线, 红线
red line
     a line that is colored red and that bisects an ice hockey rink
红润, 红润好气色, 红润 好 气色
rosiness, ruddiness
     a healthy reddish complexion
甘薯, 甘薯藤, 红薯, 甘薯的块茎, 番薯, 山芋, 甘薯 的 块茎, 白薯
sweet potato
     the edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine which is grown widely in warm regions of the United States
产 於 美国 和 非洲 南部, 橘子, 产於美国和非洲南部, 红橘
     any of various deep orange mandarins grown in the United States and southern Africa
black tea
     fermented tea leaves
     an infection larger than a boil and with several openings for discharge of pus
主 红雀, 北美 红雀, 北美红雀, 主红雀, 红雀
cardinal, cardinal grosbeak, Richmondena Cardinalis, Cardinalis cardinalis, redbird
     crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male ❲Richmondena Cardinalis❳
红酒, 卡勃耐 葡萄酒, 卡勃耐葡萄酒
Cabernet, Cabernet Sauvignon
     superior Bordeaux type of red wine
13372262-n (1)
红宝石, 红玉
     a transparent piece of ruby that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem
     a bonus; something extra (especially a share of a surplus)
12695572-n (2)
红木, 桃花心木材, 桃花心 木材, 桃花心木
     wood of any of various mahogany trees; much used for cabinetwork and furniture
红隼, 一 种 鹰, 一种鹰
kestrel, Falco tinnunculus
     small Old World falcon that hovers in the air against a wind ❲Falco tinnunculus❳
血虫, 红 虫, 红蚯蚓, 红虫, 血丝虫
     a segmented marine worm with bright red body; often used for bait
13408023-n (5)
红利, 债息, 股息, 股利
     that part of the earnings of a corporation that is distributed to its shareholders; usually paid quarterly
彩椒, 灯笼椒, 红椒, 甜 辣椒, 甜辣椒, 西椒, 甜椒, 菜椒
sweet pepper, bell pepper, pimento, pimiento, paprika, sweet pepper plant, Capsicum annuum grossum
     plant bearing large mild thick-walled usually bell-shaped fruits; plant bearing large mild thick-walled usually bell-shaped fruits; the principal salad peppers ❲Capsicum annuum grossum❳
红梣, 美洲榆, 洋 白蜡树, 洋白蜡树
red ash, downy ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica
     smallish American tree with velvety branchlets and lower leaf surfaces ❲Fraxinus pennsylvanica❳
10513823-n (1)
红发, 红发 的 人, 红发的人
redheader, redhead, red-header, carrottop, ginger, red-head
     someone who has red hair
北美 大 山猫, 北美大山猫, 短尾猫, 短尾 猫, 红 猫, 红猫
bobcat, bay lynx, Lynx rufus
     small lynx of North America ❲Lynx rufus❳
safflower, false saffron, Carthamus tinctorius
     thistlelike Eurasian plant widely grown for its red or orange flower heads and seeds that yield a valuable oil ❲Carthamus tinctorius❳
00103317-v (13)
变红, 红晕, 涨红, 脸红, 绯红
blush, flush, redden, crimson
     turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame
红木 树, 美国杉木, 美国 杉木, 红杉, 红木树, 红杉树
     the soft reddish wood of either of two species of sequoia trees
13342398-n (2)
认可 股数, 额定 股数, 认可 股份, 认可的股数, 红利, 认可股份, 股本总额, 额定股数, 股本 总额, 认可 的 股数, 认可股数, 股本
capital stock, authorized shares, authorized stock
     the maximum number of shares authorized under the terms of a corporation's articles of incorporation
红色字体的A, 红字, 红色 字体 的 A
scarlet letter
     the letter A in red; Puritans required adulterers to wear it
野草莓, 地莓, 草莓, 红莓
garden strawberry, cultivated strawberry, Fragaria ananassa
     widely cultivated ❲Fragaria ananassa❳
07933274-n (5)
红茶, 茶水, , 茗茶
     a beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water
落叶松属 植物, 落叶松属植物, 红杉, 落叶松
larch, larch tree
     any of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves
azuki bean, red bean
     red-coloured bean commonly used in East Asian cuisines, sometimes in soup or in the form of a paste
贿赂, 贿赂电台节目主持人, 红包, 贿赂 电台 节目 主持人
     a bribe given to a disc jockey to induce him to promote a particular record
新大学, 新 大学, 红砖
red-brick, redbrick
     [in university] of or relating to British universities founded in the late 19th century or the 20th century
红利, 股息, 股利
     short for dividend; especially one paid by a cooperative society
, 红玉
     deep-red cabochon garnet cut without facets
00381097-a (50)
猩红色+的, 樱桃色+的, 腓红色, , 红色, 红+的, 深红色, 洋红色+的, 洋红色, 绯红色, 腓红色+的, 猩红色, 鲜红, 红色+的, 鲜红色+的, 鲜红色, 鲜红+的, 樱桃色, 深红色+的, 绯红色+的, 绯红
red, crimson, reddish, ruddy, blood-red, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, ruby, ruby-red, scarlet
     of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies
山楂, 山里果, 酸里红, 红果, 酸枣, 山里红果, 红果子, 山里 红果, 山楂树, 山里红
haw, hawthorn
     a spring-flowering shrub or small tree of the genus Crataegus
墨西哥种之朱雀, 墨西哥 种 之 朱雀, 红雀
linnet, house finch, Carpodacus mexicanus
     small finch originally of the western United States and Mexico ❲Carpodacus mexicanus❳
砖红壤, 红土
     a red soil produced by rock decay; contains insoluble deposits of ferric and aluminum oxides
加州 红树, 加州红树, 红杉
California redwood, coast redwood, Sequoia sempervirens
     lofty evergreen of United States coastal foothills from Oregon to Big Sur; lofty evergreen of United States coastal foothills from Oregon to Big Sur; it flourishes in wet, rainy, foggy habitats ❲Sequoia sempervirens❳
猩红 比 蓝雀, 猩红比蓝雀, 红雀
redbird, firebird, scarlet tanager, Piranga olivacea
     the male is bright red with black wings and tail ❲Piranga olivacea❳
红桃, 收全红牌戏, 收 全 红 牌戏, 拱 猪 ( 一 种 朴克牌 游戏 ), 拱猪(一种朴克牌游戏)
hearts, Black Maria
     a form of whist in which players avoid winning tricks containing hearts or the queen of spades
捆石龙, 爬墙虎, 飞天 蜈蚣, 红葡萄藤, 红 葡萄藤, 假 葡萄藤, 红葛, 枫藤, 飞天蜈蚣, 小虫儿卧草, 地锦属, 爬山虎, 小虫儿 卧草, 红 丝 草, 地锦, 趴山虎, 红丝草, 趴 山 虎, 假葡萄藤
Parthenocissus, genus Parthenocissus
     woody vines having disklike tips on the tendrils ❲Parthenocissus❳
红 大马哈鱼, 红鲑, 红大马哈鱼, 袜眼龟
sockeye, sockeye salmon, red salmon
     fatty red flesh of salmon of Pacific coast and rivers
红藤, , 省 藤, 藤茎, 赤藤, 省藤
rattan, rattan palm, Calamus rotang
     climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for malacca canes ❲Calamus rotang❳
01170823-a (3)
红润, 脸颊泛红, 脸颊 泛红, 面红, 红润+的
flushed, rosy, rose-cheeked, rosy-cheeked
     having the pinkish flush of health
使 发炎, 红肿, 使发炎
     become inflamed; get sore
红包, 压岁钱, 红包钱      新年的时候发给晚辈和小辈的钱
尖 尾 松鸡, 长尾凫, 红 鸭, 尖尾松雉, 红鸭, 跳虫, 尖尾松鸡, 尖 尾 松雉
sharp-tailed grouse, sprigtail, sprig tail, Pedioecetes phasianellus
     large grouse of prairies and open forests of western North America ❲Pedioecetes phasianellus❳
红 大马哈鱼, 袜眼鲑, 红鲑, 红大马哈鱼, 大麻哈鱼
sockeye, sockeye salmon, red salmon, blueback salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka
     small salmon with red flesh; found in rivers and tributaries of the northern Pacific and valued as food; small salmon with red flesh; found in rivers and tributaries of the northern Pacific and valued as food; adults die after spawning ❲Oncorhynchus nerka❳
13284562-n (1)
贿赂, 黑钱, 贿赂品, 行贿物, 红包, 行贿 物, 行贿
bribe, payoff
     payment made to a person in a position of trust to corrupt his judgment
00531887-a (1)
面红耳赤, 羞愧, 面红耳赤+的, 脸红+的, 脸红, 红脸
blushing, blushful, red-faced
     having a red face from embarrassment or shame or agitation or emotional upset
红移, 红 移
red shift, redshift
     [in astronomy] a shift in the spectra of very distant galaxies toward longer wavelengths (toward the red end of the spectrum); generally interpreted as evidence that the universe is expanding
00395626-a (11)
胀红+的, 充血, 红脸+的, , 红色, 红+的, 深红色, 红毛, 脸红+的, 红色+的, 脸红, 深红色+的, 充血+的, 红脸, 红毛+的, 胀红
red, red-faced, flushed, crimson, reddened
     (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion
赤胸朱顶雀, 红雀, 赤胸 朱顶雀, 朱顶雀
linnet, lintwhite, Carduelis cannabina
     small Old World finch whose male has a red breast and forehead ❲Carduelis cannabina❳
red oak
     any of numerous American oaks having 4 stamens in each floret, acorns requiring two years to mature and leaf veins usually extending beyond the leaf margin to form points or bristles
02517999-a (2)
红外, 红外线+的, 红外线
     having or employing wavelengths longer than light but shorter than radio waves; lying outside the visible spectrum at its red end
红橡, 美国 东部 和 南部 大型 落叶红栎 , 叶子 有 7 - 9 个 裂片 , 大 颗 橡子 和 中等 硬度 的 木材, 美国东部和南部大型落叶红栎,叶子有7-9个裂片,大颗橡子和中等硬度的木材
Shumard oak, Shumard red oak, Quercus shumardii
     large deciduous red oak of southern and eastern United States having large seven-lobed to nine-lobed elliptical leaves, large acorns and medium hard coarse-grained wood ❲Quercus shumardii❳
红鼻, 红 鼻, 红斑痤疮
acne rosacea, rosacea
     a skin disease of adults (more often women) in which blood vessels of the face enlarge resulting in a flushed appearance
红棉, 木棉
red silk-cotton tree, simal, Bombax ceiba, Bombax malabarica
     East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok ❲Bombax ceiba, Bombax malabarica❳
橘红色, 橘红色+的, 胡萝卜 色, 胡萝卜色+的, 红发, 胡萝卜色, 红发+的
     resembling the bright orange of the root of the carrot plant
02027480-a (1)
红边+的, 红 边框, 红边, 红边框+的, 红边框
     rimmed with red
紫菜, 甘紫菜, 紫菜类, 再装船, 红藻
laver, red laver
     edible red seaweeds
红髓, 红骨髓
red marrow, red bone marrow
     bone marrow of children and some adult bones that is required for the formation of red blood cells


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