Results for « 箴言 » (cmn)
箴言, 警语, 格言, 金玉良言, 金玉 良言
aphorism, apothegm, apophthegm
     a short pithy instructive saying
箴言, 箴言篇
Proverbs, Book of Proverbs
     an Old Testament book consisting of proverbs from various Israeli sages (including Solomon)
07153838-n (3)
箴言, 格言, 谚语
proverb, saw, adage, byword
     a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people
07152948-n (2)
箴言, 格言, 处世训言, 处世 训言
axiom, maxim
     a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits
箴言, 金 言, 格言, 金言
     a short pithy saying expressing a general truth


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