Results for « 王 » (cmn)
10235024-n (1)
举世无双 的 人, 比利·简·莫斐特, 马丁.路德.金恩(美国民权运动领袖), , 马丁 . 路德 . 金恩 ( 美国 民权 运动 领袖 ), 举世无双的人
king, queen, world-beater, champion
     a competitor who holds a preeminent position
09840217-n (3)
财阀, 企业界 大亨, 有 影响力 的 人, 大亨, 大款, 最 有 势力 者, , 大王, 巨头, 有影响力的人, 最有势力者, 企业界大亨
king, business leader, top executive, power, baron, big businessman, magnate, mogul, tycoon
     a very wealthy or powerful businessman
10231515-n (19)
, 国君, 国王
king, male monarch, Rex
     a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom
     [in checkers] a checker that has been moved to the opponent's first row where it is promoted to a piece that is free to move either forward or backward
王侯, 统治者, 酋长, 族长,
emir, amir, emeer, ameer, chief
     an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia)
王棋, , 王 棋
     [in chess] the weakest but the most important piece
国王, 王+的, 皇家, , 国王+的, 王室
     being of the rank of a monarch
10628644-n (7)
统治者, , 元首, 帝王, 君主
sovereign, monarch, crowned head
     a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right


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