Results for « 涡轮喷射机 » (cmn)
03321103-n (1)
涡轮风扇, 涡喷发动机, 涡轮 风扇, 涡轮喷射机, 涡轮 喷射 引擎, 涡轮喷射发动机, 涡轮喷射引擎, 涡喷 发动机, 涡轮 喷射机, 涡轮 喷气 发动机, 涡轮喷气发动机, 涡轮 喷射 发动机
turbofan engine, fanjet, fan-jet, fanjet engine, turbojet, turbojet engine, turbofan
     a jet engine in which a fan driven by a turbine provides extra air to the burner and gives extra thrust


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