Results for « 活动 扳手 » (cmn)
活扳子, 活 扳子, 螺旋钳, 活动扳手, 活动 扳钳, 活动 扳手, 活动扳钳
monkey-wrench, monkey wrench
     adjustable wrench that has one fixed and one adjustable jaw
活动扳手, 斯蒂尔逊钳, 活动 扳手
Stillson wrench
     a large pipe wrench with L-shaped adjustable jaws that tighten as pressure on the handle is increased
活络 扳子, 活 扳头, 活 旋钳, 活动板钳, 活扳头, 活扳手, 螺丝扳手, 活络扳子, 活动 板钳, 活动扳手, 螺丝 扳手, 活动 扳手, 活旋钳, 可调 扳手, 活 扳手, 可调扳手
adjustable wrench, adjustable spanner
     can be changed to different settings


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