Results for « 摇摇晃晃 » (cmn)
01881034-v (2)
动摇, 摇晃, 摇摇晃晃, 摇摆
teeter, seesaw, totter
     move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
02305484-a (3)
摇摇晃晃, 蹒跚+的, 踉跄+的, 踉跄, 蹒跚, 步履蹒跚+的, 步履蹒跚
tottering, tottery
     unsteady in gait as from infirmity or old age
01919042-v (4)
蹒跚, 摇摇欲坠, 摇摇晃晃
     move without being stable, as if threatening to fall
00875962-a (3)
摇摇晃晃, 摇摇欲坠, 呆呆, 朦胧, 摇摇欲坠+的, 朦胧+的, 迟缓, 不稳
dazed, groggy, foggy, logy, stuporous
     stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)


Seen Lemmas: 摄政时期; パペット; macchina da corsa;
(0.00340 seconds)
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