安魂曲, 哀歌, 安魂 弥撒 的 歌曲, 悲歌, 安魂弥撒的歌曲, 挽歌 |
dirge, lament, coronach, requiem, threnody |
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a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person |
挽歌体, 挽歌体+的, 哀歌体, 哀歌体+的, 挽歌 体, 哀歌, 挽歌+的, 挽歌, 哀歌+的 |
elegiac |
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resembling or characteristic of or appropriate to an elegy |
伴随 大声 哀号 的 葬礼 曲, 挽歌, 伴随大声哀号的葬礼曲 |
keen |
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a funeral lament sung with loud wailing |
安魂 弥撒, 追思弥撒, 为死者做弥撒, 安灵 弥撒, 安魂弥撒, 为 死者 做 弥撒, 挽歌, 追思 弥撒, 安灵弥撒 |
Requiem |
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a Mass celebrated for the dead |
悼词, 哀歌, 哀辞, 挽歌, 哀悼, 挽诗 |
elegy, lament |
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a mournful poem; a lament for the dead |