Results for « 怜悯 » (cmn)
07554500-n (1)
怜悯, 同情, 慈悲, 仁慈
mercy, mercifulness
     the feeling that motivates compassion
充满 同情心, 怜悯, 怜悯+地, 同情, 同情+地, 充满同情心
sympathetically, empathetically
     in a sympathetic manner
05211254-n (1)
怜悯, 同情, 辛酸, 引起怜悯的因素, 引起 怜悯 的 因素
pathos, poignancy
     a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)
00238281-r (2)
慈悲, 怜悯, 有同情心, 表示怜悯, 同情, 有同情心+地, 表示 怜悯, 怜惜, 有 同情心, 表示怜悯+地
pityingly, compassionately
     in a sympathetic manner
07553964-n (7)
怜悯, 同情
pity, commiseration, pathos, ruth
     a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others
富于 同情心, 怜悯+的, 斟酌 情况, 有同情心+的, 富于同情心, 怜悯, 慈悲, 有 同情心, 斟酌情况, 有同情心, 慈悲+的
     showing or having compassion
怜悯+的, 同情+的, 同情, 怜悯
     feeling or expressing sympathy
感情移入+的, 怜悯+的, 感情 移入, 恻隐, 感情移入, 怜悯
empathic, empathetic
     showing empathy or ready comprehension of others' states
01821996-v (8)
可怜, 同情, 怜悯
pity, sympathize with, feel for, compassionate, condole with
     share the suffering of
04829550-n (1)
怜悯, 同情
compassion, pity
     the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it
怜悯, 同情, 移情, 移情作用的, 移情 作用 的, 同感
     understanding and entering into another's feelings
07553741-n (2)
怜悯, 同情, 恻隐之心
compassion, compassionateness
     a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering
00192007-r (1)
和 交感 神经 有关, 和交感神经有关+地, 怜悯, 和交感神经有关, 同情着
     with respect to the sympathetic nervous system


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