Results for « 天才 » (cmn)
高创造力, 高 创造力, 天才
genius, wizardry
     exceptional creative ability
10689878-n (4)
天赋, 天才, 才能, 人才, 群英
     a person who possesses unusual innate ability in some field or activity
05624461-n (2)
天赋, 天才
flair, genius
     a natural talent
有 才华, 天赋异禀, 天赋 异禀, 有天分, 有 才气, 有才能, 有 天分, 有天分+的, 有才气, 有 才能, 有才能+的, 有才气+的, 有才华, 天才
talented, gifted
     endowed with talent or talents
09938991-n (2)
伟人, 卓越人物, 巨人, 天才, 卓越 人物, 巨兽, 重量级
giant, colossus, behemoth, heavyweight, titan
     a person of exceptional importance and reputation
09762509-n (12)
专家, 杰出 人物, 高手, 巨星, 天才, 超天才, 天才人物, 天才 人物, 能手, 精明 的 人, 好手, 精明的人, 杰出人物, 行家, 名将
star, ace, wizard, genius, sensation, whiz, virtuoso, hotshot, adept, champion, maven, mavin, superstar, whizz, wiz
     someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
05619743-n (2)
才华, 天赋, 天才
genius, brilliance
     unusual mental ability
资优儿童, 天才, 资 优 儿童, 神童, 圣童
     an unusually gifted or intelligent (young) person; someone whose talents excite wonder and admiration
05624042-n (19)
天赋, 天才, 天资, 才能, 才干,
talent, gift, endowment, natural endowment
     natural abilities or qualities
前途 无量 的 青年, 天才, 神童, 前途无量的青年
wonder boy, golden boy
     a man who is unusually successful at an early age
rocket scientist
     a clever thinker


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