Results for « 含糊不清 » (cmn)
00431004-a (22)
不清楚+的, 交代 不清, 晦涩+的, 不明确, 不明确+的, 交代不清+的, 含糊不清, 模糊, 交代不清, 难解, 难解+的, 表达不清, 表达不清+的, 模糊+的, 含糊, 含糊不清+的, 不清楚, 晦涩, 含糊+的, 表达 不清
vague, obscure
     not clearly understood or expressed
不明白, 不清楚, 含糊不清
     incomprehensibility as a result of not being clear
04825114-n (1)
可做多种解释, 可做 多种 解释, 模糊性, 含糊不清, 暧昧, 歧义, 模棱两可, 暧昧性
ambiguity, equivocalness
     unclearness by virtue of having more than one meaning
推诿+的, 含糊不清, 推诿, 模棱两可 的话, 模棱两可的话, 含糊不清+的
hedged, weasel-worded
     evasively worded in order to avoid an unqualified statement


Seen Lemmas: 向后移; 西兰花;
(0.00441 seconds)
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