Results for « 含糊 » (cmn)
含糊, 不明嘹, 不明了, 暧昧, 暧昧性
     unclearness by virtue of not being explicit
00431004-a (22)
不清楚+的, 交代 不清, 晦涩+的, 不明确, 不明确+的, 交代不清+的, 含糊不清, 模糊, 交代不清, 难解, 难解+的, 表达不清, 表达不清+的, 模糊+的, 含糊, 含糊不清+的, 不清楚, 晦涩, 含糊+的, 表达 不清
vague, obscure
     not clearly understood or expressed
00232600-r (14)
含糊+地, 含糊, 隐约
vaguely, mistily, dimly
     in a vague way
00782216-a (9)
隐隐约约, 不清楚+的, 朦胧, 不明确, 不明确+的, 隐隐约约+的, 不明显+的, 朦胧+的, 不明显, 模糊不清+的, 模糊不清, 含糊, 不清楚, 含糊+的
faint, dim, vague, shadowy, wispy
     lacking clarity or distinctness
不清楚+的, 朦胧, 不引人注目, 不 引人注目, 隐晦, 朦胧+的, 含糊, 不清楚, 晦涩, 隐晦+的
obscure, unnoticeable
     not drawing attention
00534250-a (2)
暧昧+的, 清楚, 朦胧, 模糊, 难解, 阴暗, 悲观, 朦胧+的, 暧昧, 含糊, 晦涩, 暧昧性
obscure, dark
     marked by difficulty of style or expression
00781974-a (2)
朦胧, 模糊, 朦胧+的, 模糊不清+的, 模糊不清, 模糊+的, 含糊, 含糊+的
cloudy, nebulous, nebulose
     lacking definite form or limits
不明确, 不明确+的, 不可预测, 含糊, 无常, 含糊+的
     ambiguous (especially in the negative)
不精确+的, 表示不清楚, 表示 不清楚, 不精确, 含糊, 含糊+的
     not represented accurately or precisely
00895442-a (10)
暧昧+的, 不清楚+的, 不明确, 不明确+的, 意义 不 明确, 不确定+的, 意义不明确, 模棱两可+的, 暧昧, 意义不明确+的, 不确定, 含糊, 不清楚, 含糊+的, 模棱两可, 暧昧性
ambiguous, equivocal
     open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead
含糊, 含混不明, 模棱两可, 含混 不明, 模棱两可+地, 不明确, 含混不明+地
ambiguously, equivocally
     in an ambiguous manner
01672239-a (1)
暧昧+的, 不明确, 不明确+的, 暧昧, 含糊, 含糊+的, 暧昧性
     [in psychology] having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns
04824350-n (1)
     unclearness by virtue of being poorly expressed or not coherent in meaning


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