Results for « 向下 » (cmn)
向下+的, 朝下+的, 朝下, 向下
down, downward
     extending or moving from a higher to a lower place
02491961-a (9)
下降, 现金交易, 向下+的, 下行+的, 下降+的, 下行, 现金 交易, 向下, 降价, 现金交易+的, 降价+的
     being or moving lower in position or less in some value
01973486-v (3)
跪下, 向下,
get down
     lower (one's body) as by kneeling
00095320-r (100)
, 在下, 由上 向下, 由上向下, 向下, 向南, 由上向下+地, 下来, 下去
down, downward, downwards, downwardly
     spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position
02485650-a (1)
下降, 递降, 向下+的, 下降+的, 递降+的, 向下
     coming down or downward
02492981-a (1)
下降, 向下+的, 低下, 下降+的, 朝下+的, 低下+的, 朝下, 向下
     on or toward a surface regarded as a base
02487414-a (1)
下降, 价格下跌, 向下+的, 价格 下跌, 下降+的, 减少+的, 减少, 向下, 价格下跌+的
     becoming progressively lower
02492719-a (1)
向下+的, 朝下+的, 垂视+的, 朝下, 向下, 垂视, 向下看+的, 向下看
     directed downward
01896561-n (1)
在……下, 向下, 在 … … 下, 绒羽, 绒毛, 羽绒
down, down feather
     soft fine feathers
00080039-r (17)
在 较 低处, 在下面, 在下方, 向下, 在较低处, 在 … 下面, 在…下面
below, beneath, at a lower place, to a lower place
     in or to a place that is lower


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