Results for « 可恶 » (cmn)
01587787-a (8)
卑鄙, 可恨, 可恨+的, 恶意+的, 恶毒+的, 恶意, 卑鄙+的, 可恶, 恶毒
mean, hateful
     characterized by malice
有罪+地, 有罪, 可恶, 应 指责, 该罚, 该罚+地, 应指责
reprehensibly, culpably
     in a manner or to a degree deserving blame or censure
01460421-a (2)
可憎+的, 可恨, 讨厌, 可恨+的, 讨厌+的, 可恶, 可憎
     evoking or deserving hatred
01625893-a (3)
憎恶, 讨厌, 恶劣, 可憎恶, 可憎 恶, 惹人厌, 令 人 厌恶, 可恶, 令人厌恶, 可憎恶+的, 惹人厌+的, 令 人 恶心
foul, disgusting, loathsome, repellent, wicked, disgustful, distasteful, loathly, repellant, repelling, revolting, skanky, yucky
     highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
可恶, 可恨, 可恶+地
abominably, detestably, repulsively, odiously
     in an offensive and hateful manner
01625063-a (2)
讨人厌+的, 不堪入耳+的, 不堪入耳, 可恶, 讨人厌, 厌恶, 可恶+的, 厌恶+的
repulsive, abhorrent, obscene, detestable, repugnant
     offensive to the mind
00669942-a (24)
非常, 可恨, 该死, 该死+的, 可恶, 可恶+的, 坏透了
damned, darned, goddam, goddamned, damn, blessed, infernal, blasted, blame, blamed, deuced, goddamn
     expletives used informally as intensifiers
00354244-r (1)
讨厌, 可憎+地, 憎恨+地, 憎恨, 讨厌+地, 可恨+地, 可恶, 可憎, 可恨, 可恶+地
     in a hateful manner
骇人听闻+的, 骇人, 骇人+的, 可耻, 可恶, 骇人听闻, 可恶+的
disgraceful, shameful, scandalous, shocking
     giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation


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