Results for « 刚愎 » (cmn)
背理, 反常, 邪恶, 刚愎, 任性
perversity, perverseness
     deliberately deviating from what is good
01613839-a (2)
执拗, 执拗+的, 刚愎, 顽固, 倔强
wayward, perverse, contrary, obstinate
     resistant to guidance or discipline
01135673-a (5)
爱吵架, 乖戾, 坏 脾气, 反复无常, 刚愎, 爱 吵架, 乖戾+的, 任性, 坏脾气+的, 坏脾气
ornery, crotchety, cantankerous
     having a difficult and contrary disposition
01614372-a (1)
固执, 故意, 顽固+的, 倔强+的, 刚愎, 任性+的, 顽固, 任性, 倔强
headstrong, froward, self-willed, willful, wilful
     habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition
02327428-a (1)
顽固+的, 愚蠢+的, 刚愎, 顽固, 愚蠢, 冥顽不灵+的, 冥顽不灵, 刚愎+的
pigheaded, bullet-headed, bullheaded
     obstinate and stupid
刚愎, 倔强, 乖张, 乖僻
contrariness, perversity, perverseness
     deliberate and stubborn unruliness and resistance to guidance or discipline


Seen Lemmas: baik semula; berkelas; perkadaran;
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