Results for « 他妈 的 » (cmn)
, , , , , , , , 他妈的,
why, faugh, shoot, gad, puff, quotha, bah, tusch, poff, pho, booh, hum, boo, tusche, pugh, humph, pouf, pouff, soh, tchah, fuck, phew, rot, tchuh, yuck, shuh, hunh, chut, shoo, prut, pah, pooh, yech, tchu, pshut, tuch, tuh, phoo, aargh, shah, paf, ugh, tsk, psht, pish, paff, tut-tut, zut, sho, phooey, pfui, phoh, tush, poof, prute, tcha, pshaw, gah, tut, shit, ick, ew, eww, jeez, geez, dang, darn, darn it, dang it, tsk tsk, for goodness’ sake, for God’s sake, for cryin' out loud, for Pete's sake, for the love of God, for the love of Pete, for heaven's sake, for Christ's sake, for pity's sake, for cripes' sake, for fuck's sake, OMG, oh my god, oh my gosh, oh god, oh mi god, holy fuck, holy shit, holy crap, motherfucker, my ass, no shit, screw you, screw it, what the fuck, what the hell, what the heck, what the shit
     an expression that is uttered to show contempt, disgust or impatience
09815188-n (31)
卑劣 的 家伙, 愚蠢的人, 可鄙的人, 卑鄙的人, 混蛋, 王八蛋, 愚蠢 的 人, 不要脸 的 家伙, 下 贱人, 可恶 的 家伙, 孬种, 狗杂种, 恶棍, 笨蛋, 不要脸的家伙, 下贱人, 讨厌鬼, 他妈的, 蠢货, 可恶的家伙, 混账东西, 混账 东西, 兔崽子, 无赖, 卑劣的家伙, 蠢人, 饭桶, 呆子, 讨厌的人, 傻瓜, 坏蛋, 可鄙 的 人
bastard, son of a bitch, prick, shit, asshole, cocksucker, dickhead, mother fucker, motherfucker, whoreson, SOB, scumbag, douchebag, dipshit, fucktard
     insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
性交, 他妈的
shag, fuck, fucking, screw, screwing, ass, nooky, nookie, piece of ass, piece of tail, roll in the hay, shtup
     slang for sexual intercourse


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