Results for « 习俗 » (cmn)
05667951-n (1)
习俗, 传统习惯, 风俗, 传统 习惯
     [in sociology] the conventions that embody the fundamental values of a group
00024619-a (13)
一惯, 习俗+的, 惯于, 习俗, 惯常, 习惯+的, 习惯, 一 惯
used to, wont to
     in the habit; formerly and repeatedly, but no longer so
05667613-n (28)
习俗, 样式, 准则, 方案, 标准, 惯例, 模型, 模式
rule, pattern, convention, formula, normal
     something regarded as a normative example
05667404-n (18)
习俗, 习惯, 旧俗, 俗例, 传统, 惯例, 风俗, 风情
tradition, custom
     a specific practice of long standing
01689880-a (3)
符合社会习俗, 习俗+的, 习俗, 正统+的, 传统, 符合社会习俗+的, 正统, 传统+的, 符合 社会 习俗
     adhering to what is commonly accepted
习俗, 习惯, 习癖, 习性
     habitual mode of behavior
习俗, 描写 习俗 的 手册, 习俗的, 习俗 的, 描写习俗的手册, 惯例上的, 惯例 上 的
consuetudinary, consuetudinal
     a manual describing the customs of a particular group (especially the ceremonial practices of a monastic order)
习俗, 尤指 具有 法律 效力 的 习俗, 尤指具有法律效力的习俗, 惯例
     a custom or usage that has acquired the force of law
习俗, 会议, 公约, 惯例
convention, conventionality, conventionalism
     orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional
04898087-n (5)
习俗, 礼节, 礼貌
     social deportment
00413239-n (5)
习俗, 习惯, 习尚, 惯例, 风俗, 风尚
custom, usage, usance
     accepted or habitual practice
05669350-n (1)
习俗, 计有制度, 制度, 惯例, 计有 制度
     a custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society


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