02183611-a 'being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order';
Chinese (simplified) 基数 , 基数+的
English cardinal ( )
Italian principale , cardinale , essenziale
being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order
cardinal numbers
Similar to: eight thirty-six seven seventy-seven fifteen seventy-four ninety-three forty-nine seventy-two fifty-nine sixty-five fifty one_hundred_eighty forty-two fifty-two forty-six thirty-three five_hundred fifty-three billion twenty-five seventy-eight seventy zillion zero thirty-two seventy-six twenty-six one_hundred_fifteen fifty-six four_hundred twenty-one twenty-eight forty sixty-nine seventeen thirty-eight thirty thirty-one one_hundred_seventy-five thirty-nine forty-three eighty-one trillion ninety-nine six ninety-two million ninety-seven hundred_thousand eighty-eight sixty-four one_hundred_forty-five one_hundred_twenty-five thirteen one_hundred_thirty seventy-five sixty-eight fifty-eight twenty-three one_hundred_fifty-five forty-one forty-seven seventy-nine eighty-seven one_hundred_ten eighty-six thirty-five one_hundred_thirty-five billion one_hundred_seventy ninety-six five one_hundred_sixty eighty-two non-zero hundred_and_one sixty one_hundred_five hundred ninety-eight one_hundred_twenty two sixteen ninety-five two_hundred one ten sixty-three sixty-six sixty-seven ninety-four eighty-five fourteen sixty-two one_hundred_sixty-five eighty-three one_hundred_forty four ninety-one sixty-one eighty-four thousand eighteen ninety twenty-four twelve forty-five fifty-one twenty seventy-one three twenty-nine eleven one_hundred_fifty twenty-two one_hundred_ninety twenty-seven trillion seventy-three eighty-nine fifty-seven eighty fifty-four forty-four three_hundred thirty-seven forty-eight thirty-four nineteen nine ten_thousand fifty-five 750
Antonym: ordinal
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>