80001583-n 'the bits and pieces; the details; something formed by the very gradual and slow accumulation of smaller, finer and more minute things [Lit: bit by bit, drop by drop] (wangwenjie)';
Chinese (simplified) 点点滴滴
Chinese (simplified)
愿意为数量稀少(如一点一滴);现为微小或稀少的东西事物不断地、渐渐地累计,所形成具有变量性的物件 (wangwenjie)
the bits and pieces; the details; something formed by the very gradual and slow accumulation of smaller, finer and more minute things [Lit: bit by bit, drop by drop] (wangwenjie)
See also: accumulate roll_up
Attributes: gradual
Domain–Usage: Chinese four-character idiom
Semantic Field: unknown
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