14449405-n 'the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable';
Czech deficit , nouze , nedostatek
Chinese (simplified) 欠缺的事物 , 需要 , 没有 , 短少 , 缺乏 , 不足 , 欠缺 的 事物 , 缺少
Inggeris lack 42 ( ) , deficiency 6 ( ) , want 1 ( )
Bahasa Indonesia kurang , kekurangan , kecacatan , kemauan , ketiadaan , defisiensi , kurangnya , ketidakcukupan , keinginan , defisit
Italian assenza , difetto , insufficienza , modestia , penuria , carenza , scarsità , mancanza , deficienza , carestia , strettezza , pochezza , ristrettezza
Japanese 不足 , 闕如 , 闕乏 , 欠落 , 欠如 , 欠乏 , 払底 , 乏しさ
Bahasa Malaysia kurang , defisit , kekurangan , kecacatan , kurangnya , ketidakcukupan , keinginan
the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable
there is a serious lack of insight into the problem; water is the critical deficiency in desert regions; for want of a nail the shoe was lost
その問題への深刻な洞察の欠落がある; 水は砂漠地帯では決定的に不足している; 釘がないので靴が失われた
Hyponym: stringency shortness mineral_deficiency deficit dearth absence
Hypernym: need
Antonym: no_lack
Semantic Field: staten
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