13945919-n 'the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society';
Czech status , pozice , postavení
Chinese (simplified) , 职务 , 职位 , 地位 , 身份 , 社会 地位 , 社会地位 , 名位 , 身分
Inggeris status 20 , position 12
Bahasa Indonesia kedudukan , kedudukan tinggi , status , pangkat , prestij , taraf , posisi , darjat
Italian status , posizione , stato
Bahasa Malaysia status , kedudukan , kedudukan tinggi , prestij , taraf , posisi
; ;
posizione sociale di una persona e di un gruppo sociale
the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society
he had the status of a minor; the novel attained the status of a classic; atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life
Hyponym: social_station dignity bastardy rank holy_order retirement high_ground high_status nobility command left-handedness nationality election slot standing ordination toehold footing caste face legal_status high_profile equality pedestal low_status leadership
Hypernym: state
Attributes: middle-class dominant lower-class upper-class subordinate
Semantic Field: staten
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>