13940456-n 'the highest level or degree attainable';
Czech špička , vrchol , temeno hory
Chinese (simplified) 极点 , 顶峰 , 顶点 , 巅峰 , , 极至 ,
English height 4 , top 3 ( ) , peak 2 ( ) , elevation 1 ( ) , pinnacle , superlative ( ) , summit , meridian ( ) , tiptop , acme
Indonesian puncak , permatang , paling atas , puncak gunung , apogi , kemuncak , peringkat tinggi , peringkat atasan , tempat tertinggi , bagian di atas , mercu , ban , paling tinggi
Italian punta , cima , vetta , massimo , culmine , auge , top , colmo , acme , picco , apice , vertice , apogeo , sommità , fastigio , sommo , pinnacolo , somma
Japanese 最高点 , 極致 , 極点 , 最高 , 絶頂 , 天上 , トップ , , 頂点
Malaysian puncak , permatang , paling atas , apogi , peringkat tinggi , puncak gunung , kemuncak , peringkat atasan , tempat tertinggi , mercu , ban , paling tinggi
彼の風景画は美の極致だと思われている; あの芸術家の才能は最盛期だ; 彼女のキャリアの最高点; 理想の局地; 夏真っ只中だった
the highest level or degree attainable
the highest stage of development
his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty; the artist's gifts are at their acme; at the height of her career; the peak of perfection; summer was at its peak
il livello o il grado più alto
giungere al vertice della carriera; essere al vertice del successo
Hypernym: degree
Semantic Field: staten
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