10794014-n 'writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)';
Czech autor , spisovatel , pisatel
Chinese (simplified) 著者 , 笔者 , 作者 , 作家 , 撰稿者
Inggeris author 38 ( ) , writer 36 ( )
Bahasa Indonesia pengarang , karyawan , penulis , pencipta , mualif
Italian autore , scrittore , autrice , scrittrice
Japanese 原作者 , 著者 , ライター , 文人 , 物書き , 操觚者 , 文士 , 文筆家 , 物書 , 執筆者 , 著作家 , 著述家 , 著作者 , 作家 , 原著者 , 操觚 , 筆者 , オーサー , ライタ , 作者
Bahasa Malaysia pengarang , karyawan , penulis , pencipta
writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)
qualcuno che scrive (libri, articoli o simili) professionalmente (a pagamento)
l'autore incassa una percentuale sulle vendite
Hyponym: journalist polemicist pamphleteer coauthor gothic_romancer biographer wordmonger tragedian compiler scenarist authoress hack speechwriter word-painter dramatist cyberpunk rhymer lyricist alliterator essayist wordsmith librettist contributor folk_writer drafter ghostwriter poet paragrapher novelist commentator space_writer scriptwriter gagman abstractor framer
Hypernym: communicator
Instance: jong pasternak gogol asch lawrence boyle roth turgenev pliny wollstonecraft lewis goncourt asimov browne simenon dostoyevsky mann lawrence wells caldwell holmes durrell capek o'connor sandburg irving wiesel petronius chopin london goldsmith churchill gorky lowry mauriac gaskell cocteau marquand tolkien cervantes franklin bronte wright hoyle untermeyer bunyan baldwin gibran alger lyly schiller gardner zweig smollett conrad chesterton toklas ward lessing sand sontag more burroughs bronte nicolson hecht clemens haggard solzhenitsyn stevenson grey wilson rand grass cummings la_rochefoucauld miller higginson collins kipling mitchell mccarthy wouk orwell milne spark nash pyle wilde hammett saroyan haley bellow wharton maurois o'flaherty sade parker scott rushdie lewis crane dos_passos rousseau fuentes sue gordimer walpole hawthorne wood aragon voltaire fleming poe de_quincey walker farrell wallace morrison lardner huxley eliot powys page hamsun sterne mccullers johnson singer vidal benchley thoreau conan_doyle howells shaw vargas_llosa cather bradbury ondaatje paton steinbeck kesey vonnegut wilder leonard goncourt cabell thackeray isherwood maupassant ferber beckett harris pynchon flaubert pound hubbard wolfe fielding wister merton harte bontemps heyward geisel powys gombrowicz greene doctorow jensen shute auchincloss france undset mailer melville boell grimm porter white irving dreiser grahame tocqueville salinger emerson stephen algren cheever colette buck haldane van_doren spillane burroughs stowe manzoni canetti dinesen wright trollope stendhal galsworthy walton munro musset heyse jackson day malamud austen roberts heller burgess hemingway percy butler malory dumas hughes koestler stein le_carre oates service grimm hall wodehouse russell gaboriau la_fontaine symonds snow tolstoy hardy west wain golding bronte ehrenberg o'hara mitford carroll orczy norris waugh stoker white montgomery du_maurier zangwill plath graves malraux barth harris gide styron mansfield murdoch welty runyon calvino kafka anderson o'brien didion forester baraka powys keller boswell richler sayers beerbohm james fitzgerald lermontov gjellerup dickens beauvoir jacobs ellison kerouac post michener mason stockton shelley hasek chandler steele tagore ford du_maurier burnett stael christie porter mcluhan roosevelt maugham borges hale chateaubriand barthelme warren jacobs wilson baum camus wolfe hoffmann montaigne sinclair belloc hesse mitford hunt bierce lytton aiken pliny werfel nabokov joyce verne defoe woolf cooper tarbell heinlein updike andersen marsh benet webb
Semantic Field: personn
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