10677713-n 'a person who backs a politician or a team etc.';
Czech ctitel , přítel , zastánce , přívrženec
Chinese (simplified) 友人 , 支持者 , 友伴 , 后盾 , 后援者
English supporter 1 ( ) , admirer 1 ( ) , protagonist 1 , booster ( ) , champion ( ) , friend
Indonesian pendukung , juara , penyokong , peminat , pengikut , supporter , pemuja
Italian fedele , sostenitore
Japanese 愛読者 , サポーター , 友達 , 支持者 , 友人 , 引く手
Malaysian pendukung , juara , penyokong , supporter , peminat , pengikut , pemuja
彼らのすべてのサポーターがその試合を応援した; 彼らは図書館の支持者
a person who backs a politician or a team etc.
all their supporters came out for the game; they are friends of the library
Hyponym: philhellene voucher shavian cheerleader toaster boswell roundhead functionalist enthusiast sympathizer francophile subscriber upholder seconder jacobite whig anglophile new_dealer corporatist pillar confederate loyalist free_trader believer
Hypernym: advocate
Semantic Field: personn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>