10235549-n 'a person related by blood or marriage';
Czech rodinný příslušník
Chinese (simplified) 亲戚 , 亲人 , 家属 , 亲属
English relative 8 , relation ( )
Indonesian saudara-mara , saudara , sanak-saudara , anak sanak , keluarga , kaum keluarga , saudara mara
Italian parente , famigliare , congiunto , familiare
Japanese 縁戚 , 身寄 , 縁故 , 血族 , , 身より , 親類筋 , 眷族 , 縁者 , 身寄り , 縁辺 , 縁類 , 肉縁 , 眷属 , 族戚 , 類縁 , 親せき , 族親 , 親戚 , 親族 , 親類 , 親眷
Malaysian saudara-mara , saudara , sanak-saudara , anak sanak , keluarga , kaum keluarga , saudara mara
a person related by blood or marriage
police are searching for relatives of the deceased; he has distant relations back in New Jersey
警察は故人の親類を捜している; 彼はニュージャージーに遠い親戚がいる
Hyponym: spouse kinswoman agnate kissing_cousin cousin in-law sibling ancestor second_cousin offspring blood_relation enate kinsman next_of_kin kin descendant
Hypernym: person
Holonym–Member: kin
Semantic Field: personn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>