08654360-n 'the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation';
Czech provincie , gubernie
Chinese (simplified) , 国家 , 省份 , , , , 国土 , 领土
English state 108 , province 4 ( )
Indonesian negeri , negara , daerah , propinsi , kawasan , wilayah , negara bagian
Italian provincia , stato
Japanese , ステイト , , ステート ,
Malaysian negara , daerah , propinsi , kawasan , wilayah , negara bagian
the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation
his state is in the deep south
Hyponym: italian_region eparchy commonwealth australian_state canadian_province american_state soviet_socialist_republic Malacca Penang Hainan Hokkien
Hypernym: administrative_district
Instance: bavaria guangdong karnataka yunnan szechwan bihar tabasco coahuila chihuahua goa campeche west_bengal indonesian_borneo transvaal adzhar buganda manipur cape_of_good_hope tamil_nadu bosnia abkhaz gujarat yucatan kosovo inner_mongolia uttar_pradesh quintana_roo andhra_pradesh lower_saxony cape_province orissa hunan friesland tyrol free_state gansu hebei xinjiang assam Kerala
Holonym–Member: country
Semantic Field: locationn
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