08523483-n 'an area that is approximately central within some larger region';
Czech jádro , srdce , centrum , ohnisko
Chinese (simplified) 中间 , 当中 , 中央 , 中心点 , 中心
Inggeris center 56 ( ) , middle 10 ( ) , heart 5 , centre , eye
Bahasa Indonesia pusat , jantung , tengah-tengah
Italian mezzo , cuore , centro
Japanese センター , 真中 , 中心 , 中部 , 中心地 , センタ , まん中 , 中心部 , 中央 , 真只中 , 中央部 , 直中
Bahasa Malaysia pusat , jantung , bahagian pusat , tengah-tengah
それは町の中心部にある; 彼らは戦闘の中心部へと走り込んだ; 彼らは台風の目にいた
an area that is approximately central within some larger region
it is in the center of town; they ran forward into the heart of the struggle; they were in the eye of the storm
Hyponym: financial_center hub city_center medical_center center_stage storm_center midfield inner_city seat midstream
Hypernym: area
Instance: city_of_london
Semantic Field: locationn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>