07387509-n 'sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound)';
Czech povyk , halas
Chinese (simplified) 噪音 , 杂音
English noise 43 ( )
Indonesian kebisingan , hingar , riuh rendah , desas-desus , bunyi , kekecohan , igau-igauan
Italian confusione , rumore
Japanese ノイズ , どよめき , 物音 , , さざめき , 響動めき , 雑音
Malaysian hingar , kebisingan , riuh rendah , desas-desus , bunyi , kekecohan , igau-igauan
sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound)
he enjoyed the street noises; they heard indistinct noises of people talking; during the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels
彼は通りの喧騒を楽しんだ; 彼らは不明瞭な人の話し声を聞いた; 祭りの最後の花火の間、雑音は98デシベルに達した
Hyponym: chug squawk howl hiss clatter grate rumble scrunch plump boom snap rustle bark rhonchus thunder stridulation splash blare swoosh rattle crunch crack clack grinding squish snore ding-dong sizzle plop report hum creak squeak screech crackle racket explosion banging scrape pant slam spatter shrilling bang hubbub plonk grunt chatter chatter clang
Hypernym: sound
Semantic Field: eventn
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