07109847-n 'the use of uttered sounds for auditory communication';
Czech výpověď
Chinese (simplified) 话语 , 发话 , 言辞 , 说话
English utterance 1 ( ) , vocalization ( )
Indonesian sebutan , ucapan , ujaran , pernyataan
Japanese 発声 , 発話
Malaysian pernyataan , sebutan , ucapan , ujaran
the use of uttered sounds for auditory communication
Hyponym: cry speech hem snarl speaking rasp sigh expletive roll_call howl growling paging laugh profanity croak mumble sputter pronunciation exclamation exultation cry groan
Hypernym: auditory_communication
Meronym–Part: phone
Similar to: verbal
In Domain–Usage: hello good night good afternoon happy easter good luck good evening good morning thank you sorry goodbye hello bon appetit bon voyage excuse me happy birthday long time no see mind you crazy prosit ugh huzza good morning crazy good afternoon now yipe mate whew rats oh no sweet dreams good evening me hallo bye-bye yeo-ho aha how is it what to do welcome yes no whoops oh well uh-huh please please enjoy let us see onegai otsukaresama
Semantic Field: communicationn
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