06743506-n 'a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem';
Chinese (simplified) 解决 方法 , 答案 , 解决方法
Inggeris result 25 , answer 21 ( ) , solution 8 , resolution , solvent ( )
Bahasa Indonesia jawapan , keputusan , resolusi , hasil , ketetapan , penyelesaian , akibat , kesan
Italian soluzione , risultato , risposta
Japanese 解方 , 解法 , 解決 , 解決手段 , ソリューション , 回答 , 応え , 答え , 解決法 , , 解決策 , 解答
Bahasa Malaysia jawapan , keputusan , resolusi , hasil , ketetapan , penyelesaian , akibat , kesan
a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem
they were trying to find a peaceful solution; the answers were in the back of the book; he computed the result to four decimal places
彼らは平和な解決を探そうとしていた; 答えは本の巻末にあった; 彼はそのを小数点4桁まで計算した
Hyponym: denouement
Hypernym: statement
Semantic Field: communicationn
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