05946687-n 'a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny';
Czech náboženství , vyznání , víra
Chinese (simplified) 信心 , 信念 , 宗教信仰 , 信义 , 信教 , 信条 , 信仰 , 对 上帝 的 信仰 , 宗教 信仰 , 对上帝的信仰 , 信赖
Inggeris religion 63 ( ) , faith 18 , religious belief 6
Bahasa Indonesia kepercayaan , agama , religi
Italian fede , religione , credenza
Japanese , 信受 , 信心 , 信奉 , 信教 , 信条 , 信仰
Bahasa Malaysia kepercayaan , agama
a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
he lost his faith but not his morality
Hyponym: sikhism zoroastrianism apophatism cataphatism cult shamanism doctrine_of_analogy ecclesiasticism revealed_religion shamanism bahaism paganism mithraism nature_worship hinduism mysticism buddhism cult jainism christianity taoism wicca manichaeism theism brahmanism shinto
Hypernym: belief theological_virtue
In Domain–Category: free-thinking clean unclean conforming discalced formalistic christian protestant calvinist orthodox orthodox anglican congregational episcopal revivalistic lutheran methodist mormon unitarian catechismal die believe misbelieve worship reincarnate persecution vigil consecration chastity toleration traditionalism censer cloister habit orthodoxy hell meditation affirmation demythologization satan brother conformist latitudinarian numen novitiate kavadi
Semantic Field: cognitionn
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