05793210-n 'an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature)';
Czech zásady
Chinese (simplified) 根本 原因 , 最 基本 的 原因 , 理论 , 原理 , 推理 , 根本原因 , 基础 , 最基本的原因
Inggeris rationale 3 ( ) , principle 2
Bahasa Indonesia rasional , pendirian , prinsip , alasan , kewajaran , asas , pegangan , dasar
Italian fondamento logico
Japanese プリンシプル , 理論的根拠 , 原則 , 原理 , 道理
Bahasa Malaysia rasional , kewajaran , pendirian , prinsip , alasan , asas , pegangan , dasar
an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature)
the rationale for capital punishment; the principles of internal-combustion engines
死刑に対する正当性; 内燃エンジンの原則
Hyponym: dialectics
Hypernym: explanation
Domain–Category: law
Semantic Field: cognitionn
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