05601758-n 'the characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin';
Czech rys , tah
Chinese (simplified) 轮廓 , 面部特征 , 容貌 , 相貌 , 面貌特征 , 面部轮廓
Inggeris feature 18 ( ) , lineament
Bahasa Indonesia ciri-ciri , bahagian muka
Italian connotato , tratto , lineamento , sembianza , fattezza , carattere somatico , lineamenti , fattezze , tratti somatici , connotati
Japanese フィーチャ , フィーチュア , 目鼻立ち , 面相 , フィーチャー , 顔立ち
Bahasa Malaysia bahagian muka , ciri-ciri
喜びの表情が彼の顔をよぎった; 彼の顔だちは、非常に整然としていた
the characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin
an expression of pleasure crossed his features; his lineaments were very regular
parte caratteristica del volto di una persona, come il naso, gli occhi, la bocca o il mento
è necessario avere un fisico proporzionato e dei lineamenti regolari
Hyponym: temple jaw brow chin jowl cheek
Hypernym: body_part
Holonym–Part: face
Semantic Field: bodyn
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