05218119-n 'the dead body of a human being';
Czech mrtvola , nebožtík , tělesné ostatky , umrlec
Chinese (simplified) 尸体 , 死尸 , 遗体
English corpse 22 , cadaver 1 ( ) , stiff , clay , remains
Indonesian jasad , bangkai , mayat manusia , mayat , jenazah
Italian corpo , spoglia , salma , morto , cadavere
Japanese 死骸 , 死身 , 死に身 , 死屍 , 死人 , 死体 , 遺骸 , 形骸 , 屍骸 , , 亡き骸 , 遺体 , 屍体 , , 亡骸
Malaysian mayat manusia , mayat , jasad , jenazah
the dead body of a human being
the cadaver was intended for dissection; the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse; the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river; honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay
死体は解剖される予定だった; 警察の調査の終わりは死体の発見だった; 殺人者は、遺体を川に投げ捨てたことを自供した; 恩恵というのは、地球を覆う芝生に感謝することを言う
Hyponym: cremains
Hypernym: body
Semantic Field: bodyn
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