04934546-n 'the property of holding together and retaining its shape';
Chinese (simplified) 坚固 , 一贯性 , 黏稠度 , 坚固性 , 浓度 , 劲道
English body 2 , consistency 2 , consistence , substance
Indonesian kumpulan , ketegasan , bhg ibu bangunan , keteguhan , isi , kor , ketekalan , badan , kepadatan , kekentalan , bhg utama , bangunan besar
Italian consistenza
Japanese , 粘度
Malaysian kumpulan , ketegasan , bhg ibu bangunan , keteguhan , kekonsistenan , isi , kor , ketekalan , badan , kepadatan , kekentalan , bhg utama , bangunan besar
羊毛には、レーヨンよりボリュームがある; パン生地に十分な粘り気がでてきたら、焼いてもよいころだ
the property of holding together and retaining its shape
wool has more body than rayon; when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake
Hyponym: viscosity hardness gaseousness breakableness softness porosity unbreakableness solidity thickness thinness paste consistency
Hypernym: property
Attributes: thick thin
Semantic Field: attributen
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>