04727214-n 'a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing';
Czech atmosféra , ovzduší , aura
Chinese (simplified) , 样子 , 气氛 , 模样 , 气势 , 氛围
Inggeris air 9 , aura , atmosphere
Bahasa Indonesia gaya , lagak , suasana , aura , atmosfera , ruang angkasa , udara
Italian atteggiamento , aria , atmosfera
Japanese 空気 , 情調 , 佇い , オーラ , , 雰囲気 , 情緒 , ムード , たたずまい , , 佇まい , , 風情
Bahasa Malaysia gaya , lagak , suasana istimewa , suasana , aura , atmosfera , ruang angkasa , udara
神秘的な雰囲気; 家には、手入れされていない雰囲気があった; 敗北の雰囲気は、候補者の本部に広がった; 場所には、ロマンスの雰囲気があった
a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing
an air of mystery; the house had a neglected air; an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters; the place had an aura of romance
Hyponym: vibration note mystique
Hypernym: quality
Semantic Field: attributen
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>