03892891-n 'something less than the whole of a human artifact';
Czech část
Chinese (simplified) 一 部分 , 区域 , 部分 , 一部分 , 部位 , 局部 , , 零件 , 要素 , 等分
English part 24 ( ) , portion 4
Indonesian bahagian , sebahagian , bhg , bahagiannya , bhg yang diwarisi , bhg yg diwarisi
Italian ventola , PSEUDOGAP! , porzione
Japanese 部分品 , 部分 , パーツ , ポーション , 部品
Malaysian bahagian , sebahagian , bhg , bahagiannya , bhg yang diwarisi , bhg yg diwarisi
something less than the whole of a human artifact
the rear part of the house; glue the two parts together
uno degli elementi che vanno a comporre un artefatto umano
家の後方の部分; 2つの部分をくっつける
Hyponym: appendage pressing heel spine section neck wreckage jetsam hub piece limb peen upstairs foible cutout forte bulb turnout toe fraction component seat upstage bit bottleneck fore_edge shank butt stump
Hypernym: object
Holonym–Part: whole
Semantic Field: artifactn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>