03544360-n 'a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families';
Czech obytná budova , obydlí , dům
Chinese (simplified) 屋子 , 住宅 , , 房屋 , 房子 , 屋里 ,
Inggeris house 157 ( )
Bahasa Indonesia tempat kediaman , rumah , keluarga , isi rumah
Italian casa , abitazione
Japanese 宿 , , 屋宇 , 令堂 , 室家 , 棲家 , ハウス , お家 , お宅 , 住屋 , 住居 , 住家 , 住宅 , 家宅 , 家屋 , , , 棲み家 , , 住みか , 住み処 , 住み家 , , , 建屋 , メゾン , 居館 , 居宅 , 居所 , 人屋 , 人家
Bahasa Malaysia tempat kediaman , rumah , keluarga , isi rumah
a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families
he has a house on Cape Cod; she felt she had to get out of the house
edificio destinato ad abitazione
una vasta collina coperta di case
彼はケープコッドにを持っている; 彼女はを出なければならないと感じた
Hyponym: residence boarding_house country_house saltbox lodge detached_house farmhouse chapterhouse duplex_house ranch_house bungalow beach_house sod_house chalet maisonette solar_house safe_house gatehouse dollhouse mansion row_house cabin lodging_house villa guesthouse hacienda tract_house bungalow brick house crib
Hypernym: building dwelling
Meronym–Part: porch study library loft
In Domain–Usage: slang
Semantic Field: artifactn
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