03221720-n 'a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle';
Czech dveře
Chinese (simplified) , 房门 , 车门
English door 98
Indonesian pintu , laluan
Italian porta , PSEUDOGAP! , portiera , sportello , uscio
Japanese , とば口 , 車のドア , , 木戸口 , ドア , , 玄関 , , 門戸 , 門口 , 戸板 , 入り口 , 戸口 , 開き戸 , 入口 , , 開き , 乗車口 , 開戸
Malaysian pintu , laluan
serramneto applicato all'apertura nel muro, serve ad aprire o chiudere il passaggio e mettere in comunicazione due ambienti
ho chiuso la porta molto piano per non far capire che uscivo
a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle
he knocked on the door; he slammed the door as he left
彼はドアをノックした; 彼が去る時、彼はドアをバタンと閉めた
Hyponym: car_door fire_door sliding_door french_door double_door storm_door screen_door swing_door cargo_door trap_door interior_door revolving_door
Hypernym: movable_barrier
Meronym–Part: lock
Holonym–Part: doorway
Semantic Field: artifactn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>