02691156-n 'an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets';
Czech letadlo , letoun
Chinese (simplified) , 飞机 , 飞行 机 , 飞龙 机 , 飞龙机 , 飞行机
Inggeris plane 21 , airplane 5 , aeroplane
Bahasa Indonesia pesawat , pesawat terbang , kapal terbang
Italian apparecchio , aeroplano , aereo , areoplano , velivolo , aeromobile
Japanese 飛行機 , 鵬翼 , エアプレーン , , 航空機 , エアプレイン , 銀翼
Bahasa Malaysia pesawat , pesawat terbang , kapal terbang
an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets
the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane
Hyponym: fighter biplane ski-plane jet bomber hangar_queen delta_wing seaplane monoplane propeller_plane reconnaissance_plane multiengine_airplane amphibian airliner tanker_plane
Hypernym: heavier-than-air_craft
Meronym–Part: accelerator fuselage escape_hatch navigation_light landing_gear hood pod radome wing windshield
In Domain–Category: astern prang hunt circumnavigation defroster inclinometer roll-on_roll-off log seat highjacker passenger drift leeway titanium
Semantic Field: artifactn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>