02508245-v 'to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful'; V2; 
Czech ocejchovat , označkovat
Chinese (simplified) 谴责 , 责难 , 痛斥 , 诬蔑 , 非难 , 指责 , 公然抨击 , 公开 谴责 , 公然 抨击 , 告发 , 公开谴责 , 举发
Inggeris mark 2 ( ) , denounce 2 ( ) , stigmatize ( ) , stigmatise ( ) , brand ( )
Bahasa Indonesia kutuk , mengangkakan , cap , mengecap , mengutuk , mengecam , memonten
Japanese 弾劾 , 吊し上げる , 糺弾 , 弾劾+する , 扱下ろす , 糺弾+する , 扱き下ろす , 吊るし上げる , 貶する
Bahasa Malaysia kutuk , cap , mengecam , mengecap , mengutuk
彼は政府の行動を糾弾した; 非摘出子が居たために、彼女は社会に非難された
to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
He denounced the government action; She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock
Hypernym: label
Semantic Field: socialv
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s something;   Somebody ----s somebody;  
External Links


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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>