02468635-a 'exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category';
Chinese (simplified) 典型+的 , 有代表性+的 , 有代表性 , 典型 , 具有 代表性 , 有 代表性 , 具有代表性+的 , 代表性+的 , 具有代表性 , 代表性 , 典型的
English typical 26 ( )
Indonesian klasik , khas , biasa , tipikal
Italian caratteristico , rappresentativo , tipico , tipo
Japanese ティピカル , 一般的 , 典型的 , 代表的
Malaysian klasik , merupakan contoh tipikal , khas , biasa , memang biasa , memang jenisnya , tipikal
典型的なアメリカの女の子; 典型的な郊外の地域社会; 通常、車の保持者は、年間1万マイル走る; 印象派の学校の典型的な絵; 典型的なロマンチックな詩
exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category
a typical American girl; a typical suburban community; the typical car owner drives 10,000 miles a year; a painting typical of the Impressionist school; a typical romantic poem
See also: characteristic
Attributes: typicality
Similar to: regular representative emblematic true
Antonym: atypical
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>