02311387-v 'remove (a commodity) from (a supply source)'; V1, V2; 
Czech vybrat , vyinkasovat , vytáhnout peníze
Chinese (simplified) 取回 , 拿出 , 取出 , , , 提领 , 领取
Inggeris draw 3 ( ) , withdraw ( ) , take out , draw off
Bahasa Indonesia menarik , mengundurkan , menarik diri , mengganjur , melukis , mengeluarkan , mengambil , keluarkan , hengkang
Italian prelevare , levare
Japanese 持ち出す , 取り出す , 引き出す
Bahasa Malaysia melukis , mengeluarkan , mengambil , keluarkan
彼女は、2,000ドルを口座から引き出した; 医師は病院の非常時の銀行から医療品を得た
remove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
She drew $2,000 from the account; The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank; She took time out from her busy schedule to give a talk
Hyponym: tap dip cheque divert overdraw divest
Hypernym: remove
Antonym: deposit
Semantic Field: possessionv
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s something;   Somebody ----s PP;  
External Links


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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>