01905653-a 'free of extraneous elements of any kind';
Chinese (simplified) 纯净 , 没有混杂 , 没有混杂+的 , , 纯+的 , 纯净+的 , , 没有 混杂 , 音调 纯正 , 纯正 , 音调纯正 , 音调纯正+的
Inggeris pure 18 ( )
Bahasa Indonesia safi , bening , bersih , zakiah , tahara , sejati , tahir , nurani , tulen , biang , murni , pentahiran , kalis , nirmala , bersih hati , asli , suci , khalis , fitri , ceria
Italian puro , pulito , Puro
Japanese 無雑 , 無垢 , 純一無雑 , 純然たる , ピュア , 純粋
Bahasa Malaysia safi , bening , bersih , sejati , tahir , tulen , biang , nurani , kalis , nirmala , asli , suci , khalis , fitri
free of extraneous elements of any kind
pure air and water; pure gold; pure primary colors; the violin's pure and lovely song; pure tones
きれいな空気と水; 純金; 純粋な原色; バイオリンの純粋でいとしい歌; 純音
See also: clean processed
Attributes: purity
Similar to: fine clean native uncontaminated unadulterated pristine sublimate virginal unalloyed clean plain axenic
Antonym: impure
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>