01763829-v 'become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation'; V1; 
Czech vychladnout , uklidnit se , utišit se
Chinese (simplified) 平静 下来 , 冷静 下来 , 镇定 下来 , 安家 立业 , 平静下来 , 平静 , 安家立业 , 镇定下来 , 冷静下来
English calm down 4 , cool off 1 , settle down 1 , calm ( ) , chill out , simmer down , cool it
Indonesian menenteramkan , mereda , menenangkan , menentramkan , meredakan , menenangkan hati
Italian pacarsi , placarsi , acquietarsi , rabbonirsi , calmarsi , ammansirsi , tranquillizzarsi
Japanese 沈静+する , 落着く , 落ち着く , 沈静 , 落ちつく , 落付く , 和む
Malaysian menenteramkan , menenangkan , meredakan , menenangkan hati
become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation
After the fight both men need to cool off.; It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again.
けんかのあと、両者とも頭を冷やす必要がある; 赤ん坊が生まれてから、再び落ち着くのにしばらくかかった
Hypernym: change_state
Semantic Field: emotionv
Verb Frames
Something ----s;   Somebody ----s;  
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>