01586278-v 'manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination'; V1; 
Czech hrát si , pohrávat si
Chinese (simplified) 无意识 地 玩弄 , 无意识地玩弄 , , 玩弄 , 游戏
Inggeris play 1 , toy , fiddle ( ) , diddle
Bahasa Indonesia membawa watak , memetik , bermain , mempersembahkan , main-main , bermain-main , main , mempertontonkan
Italian giocare , gingillarsi
Japanese 演ずる , 戯れる , 為る , 曳く , 引く , 務める , 弾く , 演じる , 勤める , 架ける , 掛ける , 牽く , 努める
Bahasa Malaysia membawa watak , memetik , bermain , mempersembahkan , main-main , bermain-main , main
manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination
She played nervously with her wedding ring; Don't fiddle with the screws; He played with the idea of running for the Senate
彼女は神経質になって結婚指輪をいじった; ねじをいじくり回さないでください; 彼は、上院に立候補しようと漠然と考えた
Hyponym: put_out
Hypernym: manipulate
Semantic Field: contactv
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s PP;  
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>